_MOR/StandardStencil is a shader derived from Unity Standard shader with some extra bells and whistles. Common usages are for adding Vertex Colours to a lit object, or setting a custom ambient colour that differs from that globally set for the Museum.


Rendering Mode :

Same as Standard material with extra 'Custom' mode that exposes Blend modes, and RenderQueue. It is recommended that you first select the Rendering Mode you desire to set up appropriate Flags for transparency and such, then switch to Custom to adjust.

<Normal Unity Standard Shader stuff>

Distance Fade :

Will fade out the Albedo map over distance if active.

<Blending and Queue parameters. Visible in 'Custom' Rendering Mode>

Disable Fog :

Although Fog isn't used in the Gallery normally, this disables support in the shader.

Disable Directional Light :

Removes the affect of the 'Directional Light' on the object. Can still cast and receive shadows. Mainly used for Lightmapped objects that would otherwise have that lighting applied, or not be able to receive shadows properly.

Use Vertex Color :

Mixes the Vertex Colours of the model in with the specified Albedo. Also mixed in with the Emission id active.

Linear Vertex Color :

Same as 'Vertex Color' but doesn't convert the colours into Linear colourspace (for anything natively exported as such)

Set Saturation :

Makes use of the 'Saturation value' parameter to adjust saturation of Albedo and Emission.